Health New Zealand

The Health Status of Children and Young People in the Northern District Health Boards

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Version 2 2024-11-14, 00:34
Version 1 2024-11-12, 03:06
posted on 2024-11-14, 00:34 authored by Elizabeth Craig, Judith Adams, Glenda Oben, Anne Reddington, Andrew Wicken, Jean Simpson

This report was prepared for Northland, Waitemata, Auckland, and Counties Manukau DHBs. The report is the first of a three part series on the health of children and young people in the Northern DHBs and fits into the reporting cycle as follows:

Year 1 (2011) The Health Status of Children and Young People

Year 2 (2012) The Determinants of Health for Children and Young People

Year 3 (2013) Children and Young People with Chronic Conditions and Disabilities

This report provides an overview of the health status of children and young people in the Northern DHBs, and to assist those working to improve child and youth health regionally, to utilise all of the available evidence when developing programmes and interventions to address child and youth health need.
