Te Hiringa Hauora Research Framework: Health promotion research at the interface of matauranga Māori and Western science
Te Hiringa Hauora's Research Framework is designed to guide and enable shared understanding of what best practice health promotion research in Aotearoa New Zealand is and what it seeks to achieve. This Framework presents a way of working at the interface of mātauranga Māori and Western science, using both knowledge systems to generate new knowledge and evidence that contribute towards healthy and decolonising futures for Māori, Pacific peoples, and all New Zealanders.
The Framework is founded on Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the concept of equity. It draws on Māori health promotion and Ottawa Charter-based generic health promotion models, kaupapa Māori principles, and best practice research approaches in Aotearoa New Zealand, which has much overlap with Pacific peoples’ concepts of health and approaches to health promotion.